AngularJs Google Chart Tools Directive
Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module.
Latest Free Angular.js components, directives, and modules for interactive charts, graphs, diagrams, and data visualization tools.
View more: 10 Best Chart & Graph Libraries For Angular.
Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module.
Angular directive to draw simple flat line charts on canvas.
Makes use AngularJS and SVG element to create a simple radial gauge ranging from 0 to 100.
An Angular.js directive for an interactive, animated dial component powered by D3.js.
An Angular.js radial gauge directive built using D3.js.
n3-line-chart makes creating beautiful charts for AngularJS applications easy and semantic. It is built on top of D3.js.
AngularJS directive for a dial gauge. This uses SVG and will automatically size to the parent.
Creating animated semi circular gauges using HTML 5’s canvas tag and Angular.js.
ngPercentDisplay is a small Angular Directive to show a percent value inside a coloured circle representing the percentage.
Angular-font-chart lets you create awesome charts based on Font Awesome and odometer.
A simple to use AngularJS directive to draw an animated & canvas based pie chart in your web application.
A reusable angular.js directive that will render a bar chart based upon data passed from the controller.