iOS Switchery Based Toggles For Angular
An Angular based component that helps you use beautiful switchery controls WITHOUT any external JavaScript dependency.
Latest Free Angular.js components, directives, and modules for HTML form enhancement and manipulation.
An Angular based component that helps you use beautiful switchery controls WITHOUT any external JavaScript dependency.
This NgxMatSelectSearch library provides an angular component providing an input field for searching / filtering MatSelect options of the Angular Material library.
A directive for Angular providing an advanced visual search box.
This is a very simple library to create custom checkboxes with Angular 2+ projects. Heavily based on the pretty-checkbox library.
Angular file uploader is an Angular 2/4/5 file uploader module with Real-Time Progress Bar and Angular Universal Compatibility.
The Angular 2+ component creates a search-icon which expands a search-field on click.
Angular based replacement and enhancement for the native select boxes.
This library implements a “search select” or “select with search” control, to match (and building on) Angular Material.
An Angular (4+) directive that provides file input functionality in Angular forms.
ngx-select-dropdown is a custom dropdown component for Angular 2+ applications with multiple and single selection options.
A file upload component for Angular, built with Angular Material 5+.
An Angular component to implement the Material Design styled number input (input spinner) for your web app.