Data-driven Form Validators For Angular 2+ – ngx-validator
An implementation of various angular validators for Angular 2+. Currently support data-driven form only.
Latest free Angular form validation components, directives, and other related libraries for web & mobile applications.
View more: Best Form Validation Libraries
An implementation of various angular validators for Angular 2+. Currently support data-driven form only.
It is an angular template driven forms validation library, which works on data based on typescript class property decorators.
An Angular 7+ form validator library that handles validation messages easy and automatic, don’t need to manually write error tips templates, just configure validation rules, and support extensive custom feedback strategy.
the ngx-valdemort component gives you simpler, cleaner validation error messages for your Angular components.
A collection of classes to help you handle display error messages on your form fields when invalid.
An angular 4 library that aims to improve the functionality of your forms without adding any of the complexity. Installation: npm i ng-conditionally-validate –save Preview:
An Angular module that makes Bootstrap form validation easy.
A component that provides the Bootstrap form validation functionalities for your Angular 2 applications.
An implementation of various angular validators for Angular 2+.
Angular Input Types is used to create form inputs which help users enter the correct format using autocomplete and validation.
ng2-validation-manager is validation library for Angular 2 based on Laravel Validation method.
An implementation of various angular validators for Angular 2.