Angular Slideout Panel
Yet another Angular slideout panel directive which can be used as an off-canvas navigation for your cross-platform web app.
Yet another Angular slideout panel directive which can be used as an off-canvas navigation for your cross-platform web app.
An Angular 2+ sidebar Component to create an mobile-app style off-canvas navigation for your web applications.
The Angular Slideout Panel component used to create an off-canvas sidebar / navigation for your web application.
An Angular 2 sidebar component used to create a sidebar off-canvas navigation for your web applications.
A basic off-canvas sidebar menu built using Angualrjs and a little CSS magic.
An off-canvas nav factory service for AngularJS that makes it easy to add off-canvas navs to your app.
Angularjs Slideout is a lightweight angular slideout directive for creating mobile off-canvas navigation menu in your web application.
Pure AngularJS based side panels that slides from the edge from the screen when toggled.
A native AngularJS module helps you create sliding off-canvas navigation menu as seen on some Mobile Apps.
Angular aside is an extension for angular-ui bootstrap to create off-canvas side menu using ui-bootstrap’s $modal provider.