Beautiful Animated Tooltip & Popover Library For Angular – Helipopper
Helipopper is a feature-rich, animated tooltip & popover library for Angular applications.
Helipopper is a feature-rich, animated tooltip & popover library for Angular applications.
An animated, highly customizable popover component for Angular apps.
An angular 2.0+ confirmation popover component based on the Bootstrap framework.
This directive easily turns possible to create popovers associated with any kind of DOM elements.
A simple Angular2 directive to display a bootstrap styled confirmation popover when an element is clicked.
An elegant, easily customizable generic popover in Angular that transcludes custom HTML.
popoverToggle directive allowing manual control over AngularUI’s popovers.
ngDropover is an Angular 1.x directive that is a feature-rich, event-driven solution for dropdowns, popovers, tooltips, or any other time you need a trigger or triggers to hide-show elements.
An Angular 1.x directive to handle dropdowns and popovers with custom contents.
Displays a bootstrap confirmation popover (with no jQuery or bootstrap JS!)