Multi Range Slider Component For Angular 6+ – NpnSlider
NpnSlider is reusable multi range slider component using Angular v6.0.
NpnSlider is reusable multi range slider component using Angular v6.0.
A range slider component for Angular 5+, mobile-friendly, with no external dependencies. Installation: # NPM $ npm install ng5-slider –save Preview:
An Angular 2 component for noUiSlider library to create a range slider with full touch support.
A basic Angular 2 slider component for creating easy-to-customize single or range sliders on your web application.
Range Sliders for Angular & Foundation5, with support for vertical/horizontal layouts and single/dual handles.
AngularJS simple range slider directive WITHOUT jQuery dependency.
A lightweight yet fully customizable AngularJS range slider directive which supports both increment and continuous sliders.
A mobile friendly, super-fast, range slider for angularJS web app.
Angular directive slider control. No JQUERY dependency needed anymore. Skins available.
An angularJS range slider module that comes with input spinners which allow you to input number quickly and easily.
A responsive angular slider directive. Supports custom ranges, step, labels, and styles.
Angular Slidezilla is a pure angular slider directive which makes it incredibly simple to have reliable sliders in angular.