Minimal Toast Notification Directive For Angular
Angular directive that display a toasted notification at the top right corner of your application.
Latest free Android (Material Design) inspired toast notification libraries for Angular powered web & mobile applications.
View more: Best Notification Libraries
Angular directive that display a toasted notification at the top right corner of your application.
Enjoy using toast messages in you application with ToastMe module, free to use, free to improve!
Cars Pricing TableAngular Toasty is a simple standalone AngularJS module with extensive features that provides growl-style alerts and messages for your app.
angular-inform is a small growl-like easy-to-use message toaster for angularJS.
A pure AngularJS based snackbar component to create Material Design snackbars and toasts with ease.
ngToast is a simple Angular provider for toast notifications.
Angular Toasty is an AngularJS notification/toast module that provides growl-style toast messages for your web app with extensive features.
AngularJS Toaster is a AngularJS port of the toaster non-blocking notification JavaScript library.