Complete Data Table Component For Angular – ag-table
A simple, clean and light DataTable component for Angular 8+ framework.
A simple, clean and light DataTable component for Angular 8+ framework.
myDatepicker is a highly configurable, multi-language date picker and date range picker for Angular app. Comes with inline and popup modes for your needs.
ngx-aircal is a modern, configurable and lightweight Angular date range picker.
The ng-sortgrid component turns your lists into a grid where single or even multiple files can be sorted via drag & drop.
Ngx-Skltn is an Angular component that easily adds a skeleton loader to your Angular 7+ app.
An Angular Tree Grid to show hierarchical data. Basically, if data has Parent-Child relationship. If data needs to be grouped by fields.
This Angular module allows to draw on pictures and export the result. (Uses canvas & fabric.js).
Angular 7+ speech recognition service (based on browser implementation such as Chrome).
Angular 7 component for Snackbar (AKA Toast) notifications.
Angular directives for face detection and face recognition in the browser, powered by face-api.js.
A simple, accessible, flexible Angular autocomplete component with support for Client/Server filtering.
An unobtrusive toast module for Angular.