Angular Directive For Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs Component

Author: mikejacobson
Official Page: Go to website
Publish Date: November 27, 2014
License: MIT


An Angular directive for making Bootstrap 3 Tabs scroll horizontally. If you’re using Bootstrap nav-tabs (and Angular, of course) and you don’t want them to wrap if the page is too narrow to accommodate them all in one row, you can use this Angular directive to keep them in a row that scrolls horizontally. It adjusts itself on window resize (debounced to prevent resize event wackiness), so if the window is widened enough to accommodate all tabs, scrolling will deactivate and the scroll arrows will disappear. (And, of course, vice versa if the window is narrowed.)


Angular Directive For Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs Component

Angular Directive For Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs Component

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