Angular Dynamic Number Directive

Author: uhlryk
Official Page: Go to website
Publish Date: February 25, 2016
License: MIT


Highly customizable AngularJS directive for numbers. It validates inputs in realtime (if user press not acceptable character it wont appear in input field). This directive may be configured for each input (you can set number of digits in integer part and number of digits in decimal part, you can set decimal separator, accept only positive or negative values)

The Big advantage of this directive, is separation of view value and model value. You can set comma as decimal separator (default is dot) for numbers. And then in input field there will be comma as separator, but your model value will be correct float number with dot separator.

It works at realtime, therefore this model value may be use in computation for other elements and they will change real time too.

It works also when you set in controller your model value (with dot) and if you set separator as comma, then in input field there will be comma.

There is also filter for one directional binding (ngBind). It round fraction part to fixed number of digits. Round method can be select from Math.round, Math.ceil and Math.floor. It can show comma or dot as decimal separator.


Angular Dynamic Number Directive

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