Microsoft Fluent Buttons for Angular Material
Microsoft Fluent Design System buttons components for Angular Material.
Microsoft Fluent Design System buttons components for Angular Material.
Lightweight, customizable, and beautiful toast notifications for Angular apps.
A responsive grid system with draggable and resizable grid items for Angular applications.
An Angular component that helps you create a frosted glass effect (also called glassmorphism) on icons.
An Angular service designed to assist in creating and managing a directed acycylic graph model in an Angular application.
An international payment card UI library that helps you create a professional payment form in your Angular app.
A multi-language number to word converter that converts any number to words in your Angular app.
An Angular directive to create a floating text background animation in app.
A password strength meter for Angular used to calculate and display the strength and/or feedback of a provided password.
A customizable and themeable stepper & wizard component for Angular powered apps.
An Angular component that makes it easier to enable the increasingly popular Dark Mode on the Angular app.
An Angular module to render a linear or segmented gradient progress bar on the app.