Nice and Simple Gauge Chart with AngularJS and Raphaël.js
Creating simple, nice and animated gauge look-alike charts with AngularJS and Raphaël.js graphic library.
Latest Free Angular.js components, directives, and modules for interactive charts, graphs, diagrams, and data visualization tools.
View more: 10 Best Chart & Graph Libraries For Angular.
Creating simple, nice and animated gauge look-alike charts with AngularJS and Raphaël.js graphic library.
Customisable SVG charts with live data & settings, completely bound to AngularJS with no other dependencies.
A simple AngularJS tool for visualising data.
An AngularJS module used to create a hierarchical tree diagram dynamically, similar to the organization chart.
angular-chart.js is a set of AngularJS directives used to create reactive, responsive, beautiful, animated charts using chart.js.
An Angular.js directive for creating customizable, animated and interactive radial plots (radar graphs) powered by D3.js.
An Angular directive module to draw interactive chats on your web application using Google Charts.
angular-chart is an AngularJS directive used to create interactive data graphs using AngularJS and C3 based chart libraries.
Angular-Charts is a pure AngularJS directive helps you draw SVG based line chart or pie chart with ease.