Create SVG Gauges In Angular 4+

Author: mattlewis92
Official Page: Go to website
Publish Date: December 12, 2017
License: MIT


This is an Angular 4+ wrapper for the SVG-gauge library to help you generate SVG based gauges on your web app.


$ npm install angular-gauge --save


Import the SVG gauge into your ngmodule.

import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { GaugeModule } from 'angular-gauge';

  imports: [
export class MyModule {}

Use in your apps component.

  template: `
export class MyComponent {}

Options and event listeners

 * The angle in degrees to start the dial
@Input() dialStartAngle: number;

 * The angle in degrees to end the dial. This MUST be less than dialStartAngle
@Input() dialEndAngle: number;

 * The radius of the gauge
@Input() radius: number;

 * The maximum value for the gauge
@Input() max: number;

 * Function that returns a string label that will be rendered in the center. This function will be passed the current value
@Input() label: (value: number) => string;

 * Whether to show the value at the center of the gauge
@Input() showValue: boolean;

 * The CSS class of the gauge
@Input() gaugeClass: string;

 * The CSS class of the gauge's dial
@Input() dialClass: string;

 * The CSS class of the gauge's fill (value dial)
@Input() valueDialClass: string;

 *  The CSS class of the gauge's text
@Input() valueTextClass: string;

 * The value of the gauge
@Input() value: number;

 * Whether to animate changing the gauge
@Input() animated: boolean;

 * Animation duration in seconds
@Input() animationDuration: number;

 * Called when the gauge is created
@Output() gaugeCreated: EventEmitter<{gauge: any}> = new EventEmitter();


Create SVG Gauges In Angular 4+

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